Avocado Chia Toast

Breakfast is one of the important meals of the day and thus, experts agree that one should eat like a king in the morning. It becomes important to have a nutrient-rich breakfast which can provide you with energy to sustain the whole day even if you skip your lunch. Today, we have curated one of the most delicious yet nutrient-dense breakfast recipes that’s loaded with vitamins, protein & minerals. Yes, we are talking about the Avocado Chia Toast recipe, which is low in fat & calories, high in protein and is a power-packed dish. This is an easy-to-make toast recipe for which, all you need to do is make some fresh Guacamole spread and apply it over the toasted bread of your choice with some pomegranate seeds and enjoy. Surprisingly, the taste of this breakfast dish is such that you would not want to stop yourself from having a second serving of it. So, what are you waiting for? Try this Avocado Chia Toast and let us know how it turned out to be.

Step 1 Peel avocados

Peel the avocados and cut roughly into a medium dice. Combine the avocados with the rest of the ingredients and mix well, smashing the avocados a little to form a rough paste.

Step 2 Prepare the guacamole spread

For the spread, take a small bowl and mix together tomatoes, jalapeno, cilantro, lemon juice, onions, Tabasco sauce and chia seeds in it.

Step 3 Toast the bread

Now, using a kitchen brush, apply a little olive oil to the bread slices. Place them on a cookie sheet and toast on each side until lightly toasted.

Step 4 Spread guacamole on toasted bread

Now, top each toast slice with about 1 tablespoon of Guacamole spread and sprinkle with chia seed, and serve immediately. You can also add a few pomegranate seeds on top and enjoy!